Journal Entries

Leaving :-(

 Okay, so i'll be going VERY soon, in fact, as you read this, i'm most likely gone, so see you all soon (well, in 4 and a half weeks....) and KEEP THE FAITH! smiley - bigeyes

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Latest reply: Aug 3, 1999


Okay, so people have been complaining that my page took ages to load, so i've made a comprimise, and moved bit's of it about. It's all still here, just all on different pages, follow the purple links at the top.

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Latest reply: Jul 29, 1999

In defence of Myself, and several others

This is in response to certain postings i've read, in particular, part of one by zachsmind ('field critic' thread, article named 'field critic' concerning H2G2 HTML 'secrets'. I'm not against zachsmind in any way, and have him to thank for postings on HTML that opened up the path for me to learn how to put pics on my user pages.

Okay, I've noticed a few people on are a bit resentful of those of us who know how to make the 'referenced researchers' in the margin, and the blue dividers. I can see why this would lead to loathing, so I'd just like to say my piece, and explain the situation. I may like the fact that i can do something that others can't (but that's not the point, well, maybe it is...) but the fact is, I've done a fair share of helping in H2G2, and I resent being told that I just hold up the system. When i learned the 'secret' i said i wouldn't tell anyone, and I personally take promises VERY seriously. I certainly did not keep Smiley's a secret, and when i found out about the Index and who's on thingy, i was answering any body who asked, and telling them how to implement them.

I am firmly against the idea that people who keep certain things to themselves are against the community, and that they only help their friends, or in order to gain something for themselves. This is ENTIRELY UNTRUE!!!! I helped people who i'd never met on here before, for no reason other than they asked, and I'm a helping sort of person. I didn't gain anything, other than friendship, and i don't expect any sort of 'reward' for being helpful. I'm not a mercenary.

As well as this, the references are coming into circulation as an addition to the interface anyway. And you don't see any of the powers-that-be divulging any information about how to use them using the XML, so personally I don't think they want many people knowing how just yet, and i'm not one to go against the powers that be.
I am NOT elite, and never claimed to be, and i am happy to help ANYONE and EVERYONE with whatever help they need, but I'm keeping the references firmly under my belt for now.

Lastly, I'd just like to say that Zach's idea of 'field critics' is a highly commendable, and well thought out plan. Although i (probably) won't be going for a position as 'field critic'(partly because i probably won't be wisely accepted, because of my 'referenced researchers thing, but mostly because I'm really not very good at Critiqueing....), i strongly encourage others to do so. It is the way forward, and WILL increase the quality of entries being submitted to the guide.
Thanx for your time, although you probably havn't read it all... smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Jul 19, 1999

Offline for a while

 Soon, I'm going on a 5 week holiday, so i'll be unable to log on very much at all (oh NO, i hear you cry!!!). I'll be making one or two additions to my page to tide you over, so it's not all bad... smiley - winkeye
I'll also be spending this week offline, as a tester, to see whether i can handle life without H2G2... So i'll be unable to respond to any forum messages and/or e-mails, until next week.

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Latest reply: Jul 19, 1999


 Okay, my Proof forum got a bit crowded, so on Vegimsmiley - smileyn's advice, I've setup this forum, so that anyone who comes here can leave a little message. smiley - bigeyes

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Latest reply: Jul 14, 1999

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