This is the Message Centre for Researcher 27603

Where do you get that sticker?!

Post 1

Ai Li/PV

I have been looking for one, then resorting to create my own...
My artistic skills are non-existant so I need one made for me, ready to plaster on my V!

Where do you get that sticker?!

Post 2

Researcher 27603

No problem over the "Don't Panic" skicker. I photocopied it from my paperback edition of H2G2 and adjusted the size. Let me know if you have a problem - I think I saved it as a Word document.

I'm jealous if you have a Palm V. ThePalm VI is out now, customised by the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation which keeps reminding you that you haven't entered anything for at least half an hour!

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Where do you get that sticker?!

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