This is the Message Centre for Percy "Thrills" Thrillington ("I shall write to the lead singer of Echo & The Bunnymen!")
Hewwo Apollo C Vermouth
Zak T Duck Started conversation Aug 12, 2006
Did my card arrive yet?
Muchos apologias for my lack of attendance next month. I can email over a likeness if the token is required for compulsory attendence. I just wish I could attend in person, unfortunately with my mum just getting out of hospital this weekend I'm putting all my time into making sure she's ok. I've still yet to decide whether or not to jet off to Seattle for me time over the bank holiday weekend...
Hewwo Apollo C Vermouth
Percy "Thrills" Thrillington ("I shall write to the lead singer of Echo & The Bunnymen!") Posted Aug 12, 2006
Now, I did ask you not to confuse me with Apollo C. Vermouth, didn't I?
Shame you can't make it but I understand why. Hope things are getting better at your end.
Card, you say? No sign of a card here. Is it a credit card?
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Hewwo Apollo C Vermouth
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