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 The TV is repaired! Joy!

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Latest reply: May 10, 1999

Repair man

The Tv repair man finally arrived. Mmm tasty. Worth waiting for after all.

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Latest reply: May 6, 1999

Rest of the time

But the rest of the time I'm very happy. 

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Latest reply: May 5, 1999


 So as not to appear superficial some of the other straws were health problems including a breast cancer scare which turned out to be only a cyst but I only got the all clear a week ago.

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Latest reply: May 5, 1999

Breaking Point

 The TV repair man was meant to come this morning. I have exams next week but thought it was worth staying in to wait on the man. How wrong I was. At three o'clock I recieve a phone call saying sorry, he couldn't come today. Not that I had been sitting waiting afraid to go out all day when I could be doing better things. Ohhhh nooooo. No, he is to come tomorrow morning instead. So I have to miss university AGAIN or I will never get my TV fixed. Then when I phoned to moan to someone who should know better they were extremely mean basically telling me I was going to fail my exams anyway so it didn't matter. This ontop of the bedroom flooding etc. was the final straw. I just can't be bothered anymore.

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Latest reply: May 5, 1999

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