Journal Entries

Men's Fantasies

It is claimed that men think about sex every 6 seconds - this is highly totally and utterly wrong!'s far more frequently.

Thing is, is that that claim is based on men being awake for 24 hours.
As anyone knows the chances of any guy being awake for more than 10 hours a day (including the time they're out during the night) is unlikely at best - so we gotta think about sex more frequently to make up for this. Thus we think about sex for more often than every 6 seconds!

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Latest reply: Jun 7, 2000

Optimist, Pessimist or Realist?

You know there's a easy test to see if someone is optimistic or pessimistic. You show someone a glass of water which has been filled exactly half way - if they say that it's is half full - they're optimistic, if they say it's half-empty, they're pessimistic.

Well here's a new option to see if they are a realist. A realist won't see the glass as half empty OR half full - nonono.
They'll say the glass is twice is big as it needs to be.

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Latest reply: Mar 22, 2000

Chat up line

Thought I'd share this chat up line with everyone - it's amusing and yet oh so crap.

He Says :- Ten Ton Polar Bear
She Says :- Pardon?
He Says :- Ten Ton Polar Bear
She Says :- What are you talking about?
He Says :- Well it breaks the ice doesn't it!

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Latest reply: Mar 19, 2000


Hrm.....I dunno if anyone else has found this but H2G2 seems to be a great way to offload any built up feelings or grievances.
Just an may be that you post messages and are totally annonymous (unless you have friend who sees it).

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Latest reply: Mar 19, 2000

Life is seriously screwed up

IMHO (In my humble/honourable opinion for those that don't know) life life has the ability to seriously screw itself up. Now matter how good your life seems to be going - something will happen that creates total chaos for you.
For those of you who may have read the post on my last crush - guess what, something similar has happened again....sort of.
I've sorta managed to fall in love again, "what is screwed up about that?" I hear you cry. Well the girl I've fallen in love with is also my best female friend, "so?" you all yell in unison.
Well the thing is I have no idea if she feels the same about me - and I don't want to jeopardise our friendship by asking her out and then finding that she has no interest in me relationship wise. Or worse that she'd say yes, then we'd break up and never talk again.
But equally, I don't want a repeat of what happened last time.

*takes a deep breath*

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Latest reply: Mar 19, 2000

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