Journal Entries

Entry Two - A time for all things...

July 14th 1999

Well, looks like Nostradamus got his days mixed up; or at least we are all still here - for the moment at least...

Things still going really well between my son and I. The relationship between his mother & I still needs work, but there is still much 'chemisrty' still there between us - I hope this, and our determination to remain (at least) 'friends' will enable us to sort out the rest.

Having now completed all my system upgrades and re-establishing contact with The Guide, we should be back on-track to continue the search for 'self sufficiency' via the 'Net - and the search for sanity within the UK's connection to it...

This latter goal becomes all the more pertinent following the tragic news of the withdrawal of the new ADSL technology from the potential market - not because it has no 'value', but because BT (its developers) are with-holding it until they can secure a monopoly...

THE REGISTER explains it better:

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Latest reply: Jul 14, 1999

Entry One. 28-04-1999

Today was a 'good' day...

My son came to visit me this afternoon after school! I've not seen him for a year (how they grow), but it looks like the period of estrangement may be coming to an end. At least I (now) have every hope for it.

Also discovered 'The Guide' this evening - quite a feat for someone trapped at home all day... to 'find' something, especially something with the potential of being the 'useful' object that this promises to be...

I think I'll spend this evening putting it throuigh its paces and see if I can find any entries on Chicken - I would be negligent not to...

Things could, finally, be looking up. What a good day smiley - smiley  

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Latest reply: Apr 28, 1999

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ProzaQ the Chilled

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