This is the Message Centre for The Bad Kind of Puppy

YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 1


The flattery just never stops, does it? *preens*

YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 2

The Bad Kind of Puppy

Yep, it sure is something to be proud of... I'm probably lucky you're not near enough to staple me for it smiley - smiley


YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 3




YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 4

The Bad Kind of Puppy


Take that: [[[[[[[[[[[

And that: ]]]]]]]]]]] !


YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 5


You shall never win! [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

take that, fiend!


you can run, but you can not hide!

YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 6

The Bad Kind of Puppy

Oh, you think so, eh? Take that:


And that:


Oh no! Staple jam! What am I to do?!? Oh, hang on...


Working again smiley - biggrin


YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 7



What dost thou sayest nowest?

]]]]]]]]]]]]] *click*

Ooops...*snapslamtink* [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 8

The Bad Kind of Puppy

This could go on forever smiley - smiley




YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 9


And it may. But first....

.....I shall try out my nail gun....



YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 10

The Bad Kind of Puppy

Hmm... Interesting...

But I have new, fancier staples!



Your nails will never withstand those!


YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 11


So you do have fancy new staples, but can they beat my handy new roofing nails??


YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 12

The Bad Kind of Puppy

In a word - no.


YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 13


Mark down fifteen silly points for Fraser. *tallies*

YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 14

The Bad Kind of Puppy

I'll get you next time...


YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 15


You'll be back, no? smiley - biggrin

YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 16

The Bad Kind of Puppy

Yes, I will. Never doubt it smiley - smiley


YES! I have achieved recognition.

Post 17



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