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Post 1

LUCIEN-Scouting the web for the out of the ordinary

So does the name Vanye come from Cherryh?


Post 2

Nhi Vanye i Chya


yes, afraid so - from "The Chronicles of Morgaine" by C J Cherryh - a series of books that i've read several times and really enjoyed.
i've used the alias online for a very long time now... i hope she doesn't mind me borrowing it!


Post 3

Nhi Vanye i Chya


yes, afraid so - from "The Chronicles of Morgaine" by C J Cherryh - a series of books that i've read several times and really enjoyed.
i've used the alias online for a very long time now... i hope she doesn't mind me borrowing it!


Post 4

Nhi Vanye i Chya

apologies - looks like i got 'multiple click syndrome' and posted twice. sheesh! smiley - blush

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