This is the Message Centre for The stone eater aka SigSig (SI) - webmaster

Raising Seats

Post 1


Hello smiley - biggrin

You might not remember me, I once commented on one of your journals.

I'll introduce myself properly now. I'm blub-blub smiley - wah, because my gf once graffitied my favourite shirt by writing blub-blub on it. I like to change my name often, for fun, and all my old names are now loitering at the bottom of my PS. I always keep at least one blub on me at all times, in my name, so people still know who I am.

I read your article on the Stone Eater, I thought it was great smiley - ok. I'm still at 6th form, studying physics as one subject.

I brought you a smiley - cake and smiley - tea (or smiley - stiffdrink if you prefer), because I hoped I might talk to you, I recently started to talk to Jab, and then Miz, and they both have you as a freind so you must be a pretty nice person smiley - smiley.

So, how are you?

bb smiley - smiley

Raising Seats

Post 2


no smiley, >:-<

I'll work it out eventually smiley - biggrin


Raising Seats

Post 3

The stone eater aka SigSig (SI) - webmaster

OOOO a friend smiley - biggrin

And you brought food and drink! Lets have a picnic.

Im a 3rd/4th year medical student ( was 4th year but having to restart the year from sept so not really sure what that makes me smiley - erm) did physics, chem, bio and maths a level.

With me, 'how are you' is a bad question, im ill with depression and i self harm. Im getting help and i guess its slowly getting better but im often not at all good. So best not to ask hehe.


I had a busy and good day today, went to a boot sale and got a bopit extreem 2, its already driving me nuts smiley - laugh

Hows you?

Raising Seats

Post 4


smiley - wowa Bopit Extreem 2!!!!smiley - wowsmiley - cool would he/she/it like some smiley - cake too?

smiley - erm what is a bopit extreem 2? It sounds like fun! smiley - biggrin

I kinda picked up some of that stuff from your PS, but its good to hear you're getting better smiley - smiley

I'm good thanks, revising for exams, but enjoying the spring. O!, and I watched my all-time favourite film todaysmiley - wow (well, joint favourite). It was Lost in Translation, I think its amazing, and now I really want to go to Tokyo to see the little marvin robot things! Do you have any fav films?

I took physics and maths smiley - scientist, but I never got bio or chem lol, too hard, my gf did though, she wants to be a smiley - doctor too! My other two were history and literature.

So, did you get any other smiley - cool stuff at the sale? Speaking of smiley - cool, I really need a pair lol.

bb smiley - smiley

Raising Seats

Post 5


Oh, I've added you to my freinds list if thats ok smiley - ok

let me know if not

bb smiley - biggrin

Raising Seats

Post 6

The stone eater aka SigSig (SI) - webmaster

Basically it tells you to press the buttons and you dont have much time so you have to concentrate really hard and eventually get so fustrated that you chuck the thing at a wall smiley - biggrin Would make a good drinking game i think *thinks*

I also got a lawnmower and a magic eye book ( yes im a geek). oo and sunglasses, tesco is a good place for them. If you gf needs any advise ill be happy to talk to her.

smiley - erm films, i have hundreds so hard to say what my fav is really, depends on my mood just like my music taste does. Dont really like violent ones or horrors though *cowers in the corner*.

Well if you read my profile and still talk to me thats a start!

Would you like to join the TH thread, its a great friendly place.

Raising Seats

Post 7


I know what you mean about horrorsmiley - monster films, I can't stand them! But my gf likes some, so ocassionally I have to watch them smiley - erm

My fav three are always the same; Lost in Translation, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Vanilla Sky. Other than that I'm a bit like you, my mood changessmiley - biggrinsmiley - sadfacesmiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh.

Thanks for the offer to advise my gf smiley - smiley, on medicine and smiley - cool lol!! Unfortunately she dosn't come on here that much, she's sensible and spends her time revising smiley - geeklol.

What's the TH thread? It sounds intriuging??? smiley - huh

bb smiley - smiley

Raising Seats

Post 8

The stone eater aka SigSig (SI) - webmaster Its great fun, just friendly, and everyone is lovely. I have some real friends in there. Its the place to leave everyday probs and just chill. You would be welcome, especially if you bring Revising whats that?! If she is to be a medic she need to forget that kind of idea fast We just play a lot.

Raising Seats

Post 9


OH, I saw talking heads sometime before smiley - smiley I was a little nervous about joining because I thought it would be like the Forum, somewhere I only venture when I'm feeling brave smiley - laugh. I might smiley - lurk it for abit first if that's ok, just to get a general gist.

My guilt got to me, now I'm starting some r**ision too, doing a maths past paper.smiley - erm

So which uni did you go to to do medecine? Is it true you get given dead doctors to disect on the first daysmiley - erm That's another reason I didn't take bio, way too squemish smiley - laugh

bb smiley - smiley

Raising Seats

Post 10

The stone eater aka SigSig (SI) - webmaster

Im at cardiff uni, and yes we do full body dissection and its every monday from 9am for the first year. Not many unis do it anymore, but it is the best way to learn. We had a body naming ceremony and everything. Was fun. ( that may sound disrispectful but joking about it is the only way to deal)

Im suppost to be cleaning my room, but ive got addicted to this stupid game!

Raising Seats

Post 11

The stone eater aka SigSig (SI) - webmaster

oh and lurking is cool, its what i do mostly cos im too low to chat.

Raising Seats

Post 12


I just get quite shy aprroaching big groups of freinds on here so I smiley - lurk instead.

Cardiff's smiley - cool I been there twice before. Its meant to have good night life, right? So, are you a taffy (smiley - laugh I love that word) or do you come from England? I'm still t'up north, but wana go to the Big City for uni.

Are you boppin' it? or throwing it smiley - laugh

bb smiley - smiley

Raising Seats

Post 13

The stone eater aka SigSig (SI) - webmaster

I was brought up in france, on the outskirts of Paris, but i went to a british/international school there. I love wales though and i own my house in cardiff now.

Everyone in TH is so nice, no need to be afraid.

Raising Seeds

Post 14


Sorry, ust been on phone to gf.

Omg, I love Paris! Its my favourite city after London definately. You're so lucky to have got to have lived there!!

I think I probably willpost on the TH eventually, I'm sure everyone is very nicesmiley - smiley, certainly if you, jab and miz are anything to go by.

I don't know if you caught it, but ever since Jab linked to hit I've had that numa numa song stuck in my head, it just won't leave!!! smiley - laugh

Anyway, got to go smiley - sleepy now. Good night, and hope you have a great day tomorrow too smiley - biggrin

bb smiley - smiley

Raising Seeds

Post 15

The stone eater aka SigSig (SI) - webmaster

Goodnight, i took my meds and since they just increased the dose am feeling very sick so need to rest too. Been throwing up each night for the last few days smiley - erm

I loved paris too.

And im thinking of doing my own numanuma video smiley - laugh

Sleep well smiley - cuddle

Raising Seeds

Post 16


Night night smiley - yawn

Hope you get to sleep well tonight.

oh and definately let me know if you ever numanuma !! smiley - laugh

bb smiley - smileysmiley - sleepy

Raising Seeds

Post 17


Just come online quickly before mathssmiley - geeksmiley - sadface

Thought I'd drop by and say high, hope you're having a good day smiley - smiley

Anyway, that's all for now.

bb smiley - smiley

Raising Seeds

Post 18


Oh, I meant to say HI, not highsmiley - laugh

bb smiley - biggrin

Raising Seeds

Post 19

The stone eater aka SigSig (SI) - webmaster

smiley - laugh

Im having a quiet day as i only got 3 hours sleep last night.

Insurance lady came over this am, she was nice.

Ive been shopping online, thinking of buying a tv but i want to get a good offer. I hate decidsions smiley - laugh

Enjoy maths, i miss it smiley - wah

Si xx

Raising Seeds

Post 20



(smiley - laugh)

Maths was ok today, it was only mechanics which is easy.

You got to get a TV soon, other wise you'llmiss the aprentice!!!!smiley - laugh
If your looking for cheap tv, have you thought of getting a TV card for your PC? They're £30-50, you get all the freeview channels! ut you'd need to check you can get a decent signal (it's not streamed as you might expect smiley - erm)

Oh, I meant to ask, do you have a short name I can call you? Its just The stone eater aka SigSig (SI) - webmaster is quite longsmiley - laugh
which do you prefersmiley - huh
smiley - starSigSig
smiley - starSI
smiley - starStoney
smiley - starapplesmiley - toffeeapple

bb smiley - smiley

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