This is the Message Centre for Classic Krissy

There you are!

Post 1


*calls out generally to the troops* IT'S ALL RIGHT I'VE FOUND HER!!!

Thank God you're safe Batman - Drink?

There you are!

Post 2

Classic Krissy

That was a close one Fallout Boy!

*takes drink*

Don't mind if I do.


*concentrates on looking good in the tights*

So....what'chaup to?

There you are!

Post 3


Fallout Boy? Oh, sorry - it's the lycra.

I's wakin up *yawn stretch* so I can enjoy my Saturday.

The puppies went crazy last night cos there was a big possum in their tree, so they came and slept on the bed, so I had a little tiny thin strip of bed to sleep on and they had all the rest of my side (and most of the other side too).

But I officially have NOTHING TO DO TODAY... YAAAAAAAAY *waves crazy, if weary, muppet arms*

There you are!

Post 4

Classic Krissy

Hurrah!! *waves crazy muppet arms in honor of bubster j's day off*

Is that a movie?

Nevermind. have NOTHING to do today eh? What are you going to have for breakfast? And what do puppies think of possums? Are they afraid of them?

There you are!

Post 5


Coffee for breakfast, lunch and dinner - as always.

Puppies like possums. I'm sorry, I'll read that again. Puppies like to bark at possums. At 2:42. A.M. you understand.

I just took a photo of the puppies taking up half of the bed. Which was fine, except I woke up R.J. and now I have to give some of my hard-earned coffee to him. *sigh*

There you are!

Post 6

Classic Krissy know how coffee is. Here today. Gone yesterday. None tomorrow. Buy filters, will you? No, you can't use a sock as a filter.

It's like that all the time at my house.

My kitty likes to dance on all plastic and paper bags at 4am.

I understand.

smiley - smiley

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