This is the Message Centre for Classic Krissy

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 1


*Ahem* Krissy, honey, do you mind if I borrow your dragon for a bit? smiley - winkeye

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 2

what you know as km

Oooooh! *prepares herself for stories of intrigue and scandal*

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 3

Classic Krissy

*ducking and holding out the leash carefully*

Not at all...not at all...return him whenever you like...

*backing away slowly*

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 4


Thank you. smiley - smiley

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 5

Classic Krissy


You're awfully smiley...are you SURE you need him?

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 6


Positive. smiley - smiley

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 7

Classic Krissy

*backing away slowly and carefully*

Um. Okay. smiley - smiley

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 8


Okay. smiley - smiley

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 9

Classic Krissy

Sure smiley - smiley

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 10


Mmm-hmm. smiley - smiley

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 11

what you know as km

*waves and looks pathetic and lonesome*

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 12


*Pounces on KM and hugs her to bits* smiley - smiley

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 13

what you know as km

*crumbles to the floor in (happy) hugged bits*

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 14

Classic Krissy

*picks up hugged bits and sets about pasting them happily back together*

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 15


*Shellacs the hugged, thoroughly happy and pasted together KM bits*

*Gives it all a nice varnish*

*Allows 1-2 hours to dry....*

*Springs for another pounce*

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 16

Classic Krissy

*grins and sighs and stands by with more crazy glue* smiley - smiley

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 17

what you know as km

*does her best Tin Man impression ever*

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 18


*Makes a little heart for KM made of old milk cartons and melted crayons*

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 19

Classic Krissy

Awwww...that's the good kind. I made one out of fried eggs and bacon once, but now it just smells bad.

*looks at it*

Plus, nobody likes a heart that fuzzy and green, let's be honest.

*Insert blood-curdling, nerve-grating, heart-stopping roar HERE*

Post 20


Mmmmmm....precious artery-clogging cholesterol.

Anyway, I gave your dragon back Krissy. Although I could REALLY use the heat source right now, I really don't need 'im anymore. Plus, he was trying to use the litterbox and you can imagine how that turned out...

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