This is the Message Centre for Classic Krissy

Hey Darlin'...

Post 1


I know you're probably incredibly busy right now, and with good reason! So I just wanted to tell you really quick-like...

Hi! smiley - winkeye I missed you!! smiley - smiley

Okay, go back to doing incredibly important things now.

Hey Darlin'...

Post 2

Classic Krissy

*Big old hugs for Amanda Panda*

I missed you too babe! smiley - smiley

How's the sniffling, sneezing, coughing, stuffy head, fever, can't get no rest girl?

*sits down to do important stuff like talk to Amanda*

Hey Darlin'...

Post 3


Awwww! smiley - smiley

Actually, she's just gettin' ready to drag her happy-butt to bed after a loooooong night of Resume Wranglin'. You ever play that game? It's the one where your future hangs in the balance of a few carefully placed adjectives. It's the funnest!! But otherwise I'm just fine dear, and as horribly in love as you are so we can just sit here and bask in our glows collectively.

*bask bask bask*

I'll be back later, don't you fear! Just in time for you to go off to bed, I imagine... smiley - winkeye

Hey Darlin'...

Post 4

Classic Krissy

*glow glow glow*

Hee's gettin' awfully bright in this old world these days, innit? smiley - smiley

Hey Darlin'...

Post 5


You have NO idea. So, when our children grow up together do you want to be members of the PTA (or British equivalent thereof) or do you want to do the Mary Kayey/ Tupperwarey/ Macrame Classesey/ fondue parties on the weekendey thingy (or British yadda-yadda-yadda)?

Hey Darlin'...

Post 6

Classic Krissy

Yes...but I think we need to do the British equivalent of the Mary Kayey/ Tupperwarey/ Macrame Classesey/ fondue parties on the weekendey thingy only WITH lots of al-ke-hol. Actually, I think that IS the British version.

Remember, you and *ahem* him need to move to Plumstead ... or at least the Greenwich area, so's we can go out to the pub together all the time.

*glow glow glow glow*

Okay, so what are you getting the resume together for? Didn't you just get your PH job?

Hey Darlin'...

Post 7


Mmmmm...plums. smiley - smiley

Hey Darlin'...

Post 8


Oops! Meant "". So sorry.

Hey Darlin'...

Post 9

Classic Krissy

Sure...SURE you did...Mr. Clever.


I want you to know that I just can NOT eat lunch in the break room of my office. I HAVE to eat at my desk...even though we're not supposed to unless we really need to...because I can't eat when soap operas, Jenny Jones and/or Mother frikkin Love is on.

*gets grumpy about it*

Hey Darlin'...

Post 10


Oooo Parent Teacher Association, yup have then.

*grins at Krissy* Now I know you're not really grumpy smiley - winkeye

Hey Darlin'...

Post 11


Yup, Krissy. I did just get the PH job. And I just lost it, too. smiley - winkeye But if you find it you can keep it, deal?

Mmmmm...plummy al-ke-hol. I'm sure they can make it if it doesn't already exist.

And don't talk to me about Mother Love. BUT! But, but, but...there's this guy with this new talk show and he cooks and he dances and he has a house band and he's black and he's beautiful and he's funny and charming AND british!!! It's the funniest thing I've ever seen...but I can't remember his name. Carrie would know - she knows everything. But if you see it, watch it, okay? It validates the whole concept of "talk show". smiley - biggrin

Hey Darlin'...

Post 12

Classic Krissy

Yes, ok. smiley - smiley I'll watch the dancing brit.

And I was genuinely grumpy yesterday, but I'm not now. You wanna know what I can't believe? Andy and I have been living together for over a month and I'm still just as happy as can be. I love my friend Dave and Dave stayed with me for 2 weeks while he looked for an apartment and after 2 days I thought I would have to murder him.

I'm really genuinely still happy.

What a pleasent surprise! smiley - smiley This must really be one of those "life loves". YAY!

Hey Darlin'...

Post 13


Oooo she's married off with eighteen kids already... "Mummy Krissy, cook us some egg juice will you" smiley - winkeye

Hey Darlin'...

Post 14

Classic Krissy

*looks shocked*

Egg juice?!?!


*passes out*

Hey Darlin'...

Post 15


*Laughs so hars she thinks she's going to puke. But she doesn't which is a good thing for everyone involved*

If it's any consolation dear, I know what you mean. Nearly a month of constant J time, and I didn't kill him. In was quite enjoyable! Who would'a thunk it? smiley - winkeye

Hey Darlin'...

Post 16

Classic Krissy

It's a strange phenomenon.

We're going to fly to the East Coast to meet my parents this weekend. *grin* Poor guy. He doesn't know what he's in for. smiley - winkeye

Hey Darlin'...

Post 17


For some strange reason I'd quite like to witness that event smiley - winkeye

Hey Darlin'...

Post 18


Would you mind video taping the exchange, Krissy? For posterity's sake, you understand. smiley - winkeye

Hey Darlin'...

Post 19


Mind video taping? New technology?

*attempts to mind video tape dreams*

Hey Darlin'...

Post 20

Classic Krissy

No-HO chance! He's going to be anxious enough as it is. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm going to be anxious enough as it is.

I'm not worried about him getting along with my mom and my stepdad, but he has to meet my DAD. *insert scary music here*

We're staying the weekend at my mom's and then we're meeting my dad and stepmom out somewhere for coffee for about 2 hours on Sat. night. I figure that I can take that much tension...after that, we're back to mom's where there's pie and pets and fun.

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