This is the Message Centre for Classic Krissy


Post 1


That is all.


Post 2

Classic Krissy

I am here to say "thank you" for the wonderfulness that you have given me today. smiley - smiley


*big hug*


Post 3


*wallows in the sheer unadulterated huggedness of it all*

My. You're extremely welcome.

We missed you, btw. Did ya notice?


Post 4

Classic Krissy

I did. I did.

I was wondering, though, where is the monument to my greatness made out of Ritz Crackers and Cheese Whiz that I was expecting upon my return?

Could it be that everyone has forgotten?? smiley - winkeye


Post 5


I, um, may have, uh, eaten *gulp* it. smiley - winkeye Or not.

*wallows in the sheer unadulterated ritziness of it all*


Post 6

Classic Krissy

Well, that's ok then. As long as there WAS one at some point I suppose I shall have to remain calm. After all, the strangest stuff gets eaten around this place and that was actually made of food.

That's a good answer to almost anything, you know.

"I ate it."


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