This is the Message Centre for Classic Krissy

I still see you!

Post 1

what you know as km

And I'm at home, so I suppose there's nothing for it but to give you hell, as that is what I said I would do.



I still see you!

Post 2

Classic Krissy

That's FANTASTIC! I feel like I've just been given the greatest hell of my life!!

I'm going to update my page in a minute. Make sure you don't miss it!

I'm not at home and I'm jealous of you. smiley - smiley

I still see you!

Post 3


I am also not at home so am of course jealous smiley - winkeye

I still see you!

Post 4

Classic Krissy

Thank goodness!

I wouldn't want to be the only one. smiley - smiley

I still see you!

Post 5


I'm not at home either, but I wouldn't want to be there anyway. smiley - winkeye

I still see you!

Post 6

Classic Krissy

I've updated my page and I think it's nifty-cool.

Just so you know. smiley - smiley

I still see you!

Post 7


It IS! Snowing and stuff! Neat neat neat!

*stands back in awe of Krissy's amazing, mysterious powers*

I still see you!

Post 8

Classic Krissy

*bows* Thank you. smiley - smiley

You, my friend, sound decidedly cheerful.

Is that a safe statement to make? smiley - winkeye

I still see you!

Post 9

what you know as km

Depends, I expect, on whether you view ruthless huggery as a threat.

I haven't seen him do it yet, but can't you just feel it coming?

Boffo snow! Very impressive, 'specially as I'm so petrified of trying anything cool in GuideML myself. I say "Stick with text and pictures and everything's gonna be fiiiiiine." I do. I say it all the time, and it scares the cats.

I still see you!

Post 10

Classic Krissy

Did you say it very loud? Like loud enough that maybe I would hear it?

I still see you!

Post 11

what you know as km

Why? Do you think you've heard me saying it?

I still see you!

Post 12

Classic Krissy

Well, I wasn't sure. It COULD have been you.

It sounded a lot like "This is Addison. Next stop Sheridan" but now that I think about it it could definatly have been you.

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