This is the Message Centre for Classic Krissy

My sage advice

Post 1


Don't have the 'flu. Just don't. Don't even think about it. Stop it. Stop it right now! If you don't stop it now, there's going to be trouble, young lady. STOP with the FLU already.

Listen. You just wait till your bubster gets home. That's all I'm going to say about this. There'll be no having the flu then, you mark my words.

What? "7 out of 10"? Oh, very funny. Very "ha ha". Mark my words indeed! I hope you're not mocking me!

LOOK! What part of "No flu" don't you understand. We will have no more of this flu thing and that's my final word.

No flu.


Are you sniffling at me? Are you sniffling at me? Are YOU sniffling at ME?

My sage advice

Post 2


Tell you what Bubs, you have Krissy's flu for her, then she wont have to have it smiley - winkeye

My sage advice

Post 3


heh hee

he's gotcha there, bub smiley - smiley

My sage advice

Post 4

Classic Krissy

*hanging head in shame*

I didn't MEAN to have the flu! It just happened! I swear! Don't send me to my room! I'll....I'll.....I'll..... walk the puppies for a WEEK! um... I'll........Barbeque you a dinner! I'll ummmmmmmmmm....

*urp* 'scuse me...*races off*

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