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Post 21

Classic Krissy

I used a really big pole and some fruitcake.


Post 22

an apple tree

i've used that kind of bait before also, but alas! if there was one thing it didn't get me, it was an englishman shouting "who ate all the pies?" - large, hairy and leatherclad shouting "yeh! i'll ave some a that o'er here honey" maybe, but such phrases pale in comparison


Post 23

what you know as km

It's bound to work sooner or later, tree, and goodness knows you've got enough fruitcake to keep trying for a while.


Post 24

an apple tree

well it IS christmas i hear!!!
we ALL love fruitcake around CHRISTMAS!!!
i'm thinking of hiring a CHURCHLADY to give it out!!!
you know, take it round the NEIGHBOURHOOD!!!


Post 25

Classic Krissy

Wow! You can HIRE those? And here I've been, stealing all the churchladies I use.

I feel guilty somehow.

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