This is the Message Centre for Classic Krissy

Hi Krissy

Post 1


Just passing through in the style of, um, someone...

When is it that you're going to be in London?

Hi Krissy

Post 2


Hey I'm gonna be in LONDON soon!

What? You weren't talking to me? Funny, that. smiley - winkeye

Hi Krissy

Post 3


Oh, Hi JJJ. How soon? I'm there in, um, 83 hours...

What are you going to be doing there?

Hi Krissy

Post 4

Classic Krissy

Yay! Hi Jonny! I haven't seen you around in awhile. We missed you!

I'm in London the Dec. 23 through the 30th and then in Switzerland the 30th through the 3rd then back to Chicago on the 4th. This long-distance relationship thing is so HARD. Andy and I have agreed we are going to do LOTS of sleeping. LOTS of sleeping. smiley - smiley

Are you happy to be going back?

Hi Krissy

Post 5

Classic Krissy

Sorry, Julie! I forgot to ask...when are you goin' and whatcha' doin'? smiley - winkeye

Hi Krissy

Post 6


Hmm, 23rd - 30th. Perhaps we'll be able to meet up for a drink or two with Ant and beeline, if you have time between all that "sleeping".

I think I'm more intrigued to be going back rather than happy. It's certainly harder to leave here than it was to leave England.

Hi Krissy

Post 7

Classic Krissy

I'm sorry sweetie, but I don't think I'm going to have any time. I wish I did, but we have tons of his family to see and he's already planning all of our days out.

He doesn't have any gigs either, which means that we have some serious time to travel and things.

Hopefully I'll be moving there, though. Then I will have plenty of time for beers! smiley - smiley

Hi Krissy

Post 8


I did sort of expect that that would be the case. Ah well, next time! smiley - smiley

Hi Krissy

Post 9


As for me, I will not be in London as soon as either or you.

I shall be there some vague time around the 24th of January. I KNOW I will be there on the 24th, but I don't know when I will get there but I KNOW I will leave before the beginning of Febuary.

Now what am I doing there? My family, whilst I am staying at boarding school in Australia, is moving from New Jersey to London. Since I'll be on vacation, I'll be going with them.

My brother starts school on the 24th, so I know we will be there then, and I go back to school Febuary 1st, so I know I will be back here then. Everything else I'll just go with the flow. smiley - smiley

Hi Krissy

Post 10

Classic Krissy

You're looking quite flowey. smiley - smiley

If things go the way I hope they do, I should be starting to plan my move to London 'round the beginning of February. *crosses fingers*

Sheesh. Everybody's movin' to London!

Hi Krissy

Post 11


It's just the place to be. smiley - smiley

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