This is the Message Centre for Classic Krissy

got a dragon I could borrow?

Post 1


Since you're not using it right now and all...

got a dragon I could borrow?

Post 2

Classic Krissy

Sure...just lemmie run and get it for you.....

Andy and I are in a fight, so I have to have it ready just in case. Do you mind sharing the dragon for awhile? You can have it first.

I'll mail it to you.

got a dragon I could borrow?

Post 3

beetle, return of

*comes running in with blankets, warm soup and video tapes*

Where do ya want them?

got a dragon I could borrow?

Post 4


I got it I got it, thank you Krissy! I'm getting him ready, emotionally, you know, for a little stay on my page. Just let me know when you need him back, he seems to travel quite well through e-mail smiley - smiley

got a dragon I could borrow?

Post 5

Classic Krissy

beetle, why don't you put that stuff on the couch and we'll cuddle?

Oooooo...*running off to Kate's site to see how the dragon is doing*

got a dragon I could borrow?

Post 6


Did you see did you see? I think he looks pretty good. He tried to eat everything in the right hand margin but I gently asked him not to. smiley - smiley

got a dragon I could borrow?

Post 7

Classic Krissy

I saw!

He looks pretty happy. Well, for him anyway.

Rememeber, his job is rend, tear, maim and/or kill anyone that bothers you. It helps if you scream in red letters while he's doing it. Don't hesitate to put him to work! He enjoys it.

got a dragon I could borrow?

Post 8

beetle, return of

*bunches up on the sofa to cuddle*

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