This is the Message Centre for davejackson

Scriptease outline

Post 1

Mel J

Hello Dave,

The ST 'deadline' for rewrite of story concept or storybeats and outline has come and gone, but no worries, other members haven't posted their rewrites yet.

I was wondering how you were getting along.

Please let me know, so we can take the story (discussion) further or post your rewrite in your thread.

On the other hand, if you have probs meeting the 'deadlines', let me know too and I'll see what I can do.



Scriptease outline

Post 2


Hi Mel,

Sorry I haven't been around. My computer went down the swanee. In the end I had to re-install everything.

I have left a message on the discussion thread.

Let me know if it's all right to do an alternative story.

All the best.


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