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Kitty's Screenplay

Post 1


Hi Dave,

Finally got round to posting the first bit of my screenplay on my Portfolio. I had to do it in two sections because it was over 3,000 words.

I can't think of a good title (keep changing my mind) so it's just posted under the title James.

It is the first draft and I know it needs lots of work but any feedback would be great.

Basic story: James is a lawyer struggling to shake off the stigma of a past case which he lost. The woman he defended committed suicide in prison. He starts to be harrassed by her two daughters. One of them is murdered and he is the prime suspect.

Hope you enjoy (or at least vaguely like),


smiley - cheers

Kitty's Screenplay

Post 2


Hi Kitty,

I've just finished reading your screenplay. I have to say, so far I think it is excellent. From the opening scene of the suicide, it had me totally intrigued.

I have no idea whether the court scene is true to life, but it
certainly appeared to be to me.

How many sub plots have you got? How long is the film? What happens next?

So far, this is really, really good. You MUST NOT get discouraged. If it all keeps up to the standard of the opening scenes and the plot stays tight, you should be on to a winner or there's no justice.

Keep writing


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