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How do you get the attention of a sub-editor?

Post 1

Salamander the Mugwump

Hi Anna I understand that you are the person to speak to if there's a query about the editing of an entry. My entry on bacteriophages is being edited by Pseudemys. I left messages for him a couple of weeks ago to let him know that he was editing an old version that had a paragraph missing. Also, I was a little, tiny bit unhappy with some of the edits. I haven't heard from the editor since and the older article remains in it's partly edited state with much of its punctuation (mainly full-stops) missing and a couple of sentences that I feel definitely added clarity also gone. One or two other small problems as well. I'm not sure what I should do next. I expect Pseudemys is just busy and hasn't noticed my messages. He might carry on regardless - unaware that he's working on the old version and I've posted messages to him (one on his home page and one on the old bacteriophage entry he's editing). Can you help? The addresses are: Old version currently being edited by Pseudemys: Most recent version: Message from Sal to Pseudemys: Thank you for your kind attention. Sal

How do you get the attention of a sub-editor?

Post 2

Salamander the Mugwump

Helloooo. Is there anybody there? smiley - smiley

How do you get the attention of a sub-editor?

Post 3

Salamander the Mugwump

Hi Anna.

This message is to fetch the conversation to the top of your page as per your instructions on the feedback forum.

This should appear at the top of your page if you've clicked on the "Click here to be notified of new conversations" instruction at the bottom of your home page introduction blurb. Up to the time I posted the last message here I guess you hadn't done that. Anyway, here goes ...


PS I'm now trying to post this message for the 7th time. Every time I click the post message button or I get a page cannot be displayed error message.

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