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Advanced PumpkinCarving

Post 1

Pokl Ping

I have written an additional entry on Pumpkin Carving following reading today's Editor's Choice on the Perfect Pumpkin. As someone who has spent a lot of time over the years carving a LOT of pumpkins I thought it was worth adding additional notes for the discerning or advanced carver.

The entry is at:

Do you think this might be worthy of merging into the existing article, or should it go through the Peer Review system for consideration as an article in it's own right?

Advanced Pumpkin Carving

Post 2

World Service Memoryshare team

Hi Pokl Ping!

Sorry about the delay in getting back to you... Your entry is most certainly worth merging with our existing entry - it's brilliant! Your expertise shines through - thanks for bringing it to my attention smiley - smiley

We'll probably work on it later today...

Advanced Pumpkin Carving

Post 3

Pokl Ping

Hi Anna! Just seeing how the merge is going? The Entry was also mentioned on the Peer Review page, but was removed by Lucinda (AKA MyRedDice) without my prior knowledge as he thought that it was incomplete. I've since added material on candles and will make additional notes on design, but essentially the article is complete and your praise suggested it was ready for merging or linking to the existing article. Simply confused... so seeking some light to shed on the subject. It is my first article, afterall. Thanks.

Advanced Pumpkin Carving

Post 4

World Service Memoryshare team

Hiya Pokl Ping!

Lovely to hear from you smiley - smiley Mmm, I thought we'd done something with that - let me go and have a look...

Advanced Pumpkin Carving

Post 5



That's me...

Advanced Pumpkin Carving

Post 6


All done now smiley - biggrin

Advanced Pumpkin Carving

Post 7

Pokl Ping

Thanks!!! I may have one more paragraph to add, regarding pumpkin design. I would like to reference the Great pumpkin masters web site as they hold a yearly competition for designs, where the first prize winner gets $10,000 smiley - smiley There is also a little history about the guy who invented technique for advanced pumpkin carving
smiley - pumpkin

Advanced Pumpkin Carving

Post 8

World Service Memoryshare team

Exciting! Post the paragraph here and one of us will put it in smiley - smiley

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