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My Article's Pending... but it's The Wrong One!

Post 1

The Apprentice

I have a query relating to the old submission process that is rather pressing.

I have an entry which has been selected for Editing, and which indeed has now progressed to Pending status, on 'Queensbridge Road Car Park'.

Now, according to the Submission guidelines: 'If you want to make any changes to it though, go right ahead, because they will always look at the most recent version of any entry before approving it.'

Now, the version currently being edited IS NOT 'the most recent version'. The version which has been edited and is now Pending sits at:

This version was probably edited a couple of times, up to 3 days before falling into the hands of an Editor, into this version:

When I lost editing rights to this entry the A446311 version appeared - but it was the older, unedited version.

The newest version includes information on accessing the car park and the width of the ramps/space between cars (that determines how rapidly you can get through the place without accident). There is more description about the lighting and location of the car park. It also removes the information about the Eastern European car, as this has been removed and, therefore, really isn't relevant in an up-to-date entry.

I've flagged the issue with the Sub-Ed, Engels42, but no progress has been made in the week plus since I highlighted the issue.

I posted a query at the Editorial Feedback - and Crescent suggested that I should try The Powers That Be. I have left a message with Sam as well...

Is there anything that can be done to assist in resolving this issue?

My Article's Pending... but it's The Wrong One!

Post 2

The Apprentice

Sam has resolved the issue. Everything should be OK now. Thanks.

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My Article's Pending... but it's The Wrong One!

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