This is the Message Centre for World Service Memoryshare team

The Cheese and Subbing

Post 1

The Cheese

Hi Anna

I've had my batch for quite a while and I planned to finish it this week. However, my computer got a virus and my e-mail system (along with my computer itself) was totally screwed up in the fixing process. So, I'm going to try to send it to you from my school (although it might take a while because I don't have all the time in the world as I'm now in school againsmiley - winkeye).

When I send the batch back, please don't send me another until further notice - I can't recieve e-mail on my on PC anymore.


The Cheese/Brenton

The Cheese and Subbing

Post 2

World Service Memoryshare team

Thanks for letting me know, Cheese. Send the batch back as soon as you can, and let me know when you're back on email. See you around on site smiley - smiley

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