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Have you got a mo?

Post 1

Trillian's child

Hi. I am a very patient student of Guide ML and am trying to put something together.

Your description of how to do tables in the SubEditors' Guide does not cover individual lines - I would like to put a line down the middle of my page - to divide the German side from the English side. Failing that, how can I separate them more. If I put a third (empty) column in between, would it become ridiculously long? I won't ask why the writing is so big.

My grandmother lived in Walthamstow and my Uncle and his wife still do.

Have you got a mo?

Post 2

World Service Memoryshare team

Hi There!

I don't know if I'm the best person to ask, but I would suggest using simple table like this:

German English
item here item here
item here item here

Otherwise you could go over to the GuideML Clinic at, or ask one of the Gurus on their page

Hope that helps! smiley - smiley

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