This is the Message Centre for World Service Memoryshare team

2000 Edited Entries

Post 1



Three cheers for the editorial team smiley - smiley

Well not all hurrays...

Post 2


I mean ok you guys are doing great stuff and I love writting entries for this guide. But now something happened which I don't feel comfortable about. I have written an entry on kayaking and somebody has been subeditting it. I don't mind that they subedit but I do mind that they write in stuff that is not true.

I have had complaints of kayakers that have read the article. They would like it to be changed. I am no subeditor so I can not change it anymore and would like some help with this. I would like it if you would give me the chance of editing the article so that it is true. I mean who ever heard of white water rafting as part of the the kayakers community. We usually don't like rafters because they run us over with their dinghies.

Originally that stuff about rafting wasn't in the article, the article is called kayak not rafting. Second more the subeditor changed a piece of text from the slalom part which makes it un true... you don't score point by going through gates it is a race... it is timed and if you hit a git you get seconds added to you time. This results in a longer time in which you have completed the course and which will place you lower in the ranks of the contest.

Please I would like to have a reply on this as soon as possible. I would be very glad if this could be done by e-mail as my internet connection is for work and I can't check all the discussion boards all the time...

Sincerely an unhappy Researcher.... smiley - sadface

Well not all hurrays...

Post 3

World Service Memoryshare team

Hi Jasper,

I'm sorry that you're unhappy smiley - sadface Sadly, it's impossible for us to know everything about everything. To an extent we rely on the Community to set us straight when we get the facts wrong, so I'm pleased that you've brought the entry to my attention. I'll send you the entry as it is so you can have a look at it. It'll be great if you can bring your knowledge to the Guide smiley - smiley

Best, Anna

2000 Edited Entries

Post 4

World Service Memoryshare team

Thanks Peregrin!

smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

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