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Again, congratulations - and get as much sleep as you can!

Post 1


Hi Anna, you don't know me, but I stumbled on to your space, partly from the Scouts scheme. I was delighted to hear that you're expecting! It's great news! I know how you are feeling, because 10 months ago, my wife (Trees) and I (Ad) had twin boys - how are you getting on with sleeping at the moment? Are you big and can't turn over properly? Trees starting snoring heavily when we were expecting, which kept me awake in the small hours (getting your biological alarm clock ready for the actual arrival!) :->

I hope everything goes well and that you enjoy the new addition to your life!

Take care


Again, congratulations - and get as much sleep as you can!

Post 2

World Service Memoryshare team

Hey Adam,

Thanks for the good wishes! It is getting a little more tricky to sleep - I get a regular wake-up call at 5am and Paul, my husband, said that I woke myself up snoring the other morning. Ha! Don't believe a word of it!

May well see you around on site, I'm not going to disappear altogether though it might be a little while before I get access set up at home, so see you around then!

smiley - biggrin


Again, congratulations - and get as much sleep as you can!

Post 3

Global Village Idiot

Hi Anna,

I got your message too late to catch you at work, and I figure you're more likely to be able to read something here than access your e-mail.

First of all, thanks for the vote of confidence. Secondly, thanks for all the great support and guidance - any project where one's colleagues are both pleasant and professional is likely to be a good experience, and you've certainly contributed to that here.

Finally, and most importantly, many congratulations and the very best of wishes with the forthcoming life-changing event. If I have positive vibes to spare on the 5th (we move house on the 6th!), I'll send them your way smiley - smiley.

We'll look forward impatiently to having you back - but I hope you'll take time to chill out and relish the early days of motherhood too. Remember, however much you enjoy your job it's more important to savour the personal highs. Work will still be there afterwards!

All the best,


Again, congratulations - and get as much sleep as you can!

Post 4

World Service Memoryshare team

Hey GVI!

It's taken me a while to get to an internet cafe. You spend all day online, and then it's gone. Still haven't got home access yet, I've been getting ready and receiving visitors instead. A phase I think to cherish my free time! Thanks for the good wishes, it was lovely to hear from you, positive vibes will be very well received, I promise. Good luck with the move and catch up soon smiley - smiley

Big hugs, Anna

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