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Impending Motherhood - Advice.

Post 1

I'm not really here

One piece of advice I will give regarding the birth, is to know exactly what you want, and to make sure whoever is with you knows too. As you might be a little too distracted to insist on the things you want at the time, and you need someone who can think straight.
I wanted a water birth, even chose the hospital for that reason, then when I was in labour (which they denied for about 5 hours smiley - sadface) and took me downstairs I told them what I wanted and assumed they would be filling the tub up. But no, and my stupid husband of the time wouldn't go and chase them up. I ended up begging for drugs and giving birth in the one position I didn't want. smiley - sadface Flat on my back. smiley - sadface
Another tip, if you are going to breastfeed, hold your baby on his/her side. Not on his/her back as if you were bottle feeding. And don't give up before you are ready.

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Impending Motherhood - Advice.

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