This is the Message Centre for World Service Memoryshare team

A bit of help

Post 1


Hi Anna

We exchanged some email a few months ago on a Guide entry about Carabao - the Band. Well, it's now gone and I'd love to know why. I've already posted on the Moderation Help board but I'm a bit impatient to know what the problem was.
Any help would be much appreciated.

From a very rainy Thailand


A bit of help

Post 2

World Service Memoryshare team

Hey Phil,

Lovely to hear from you. I've got the feeling that we'd tried to email you while the site was down about your entry. Perhaps it got lost in the ether. Your entry is still pending moderation because we wanted to ask you for permission to use your entry on h2g2 because some of the material that's in it is also on your website. Sounds like a weird request, but it's a copyright requirement-type thing. Please let me know if that's okay and I'll reinstate it smiley - smiley

All the best, Anna

A bit of help

Post 3


Hi Anna,

I didn't receive any email
and you most certainlyhave my permission to use that material.

I guess this move to the BBC is keeping you pretty at the moment?

I'm doing a couple of things about Thailand which I'll send in soon hopefully.

Thanks very much for your prompt response

All the best

A bit of help

Post 4

World Service Memoryshare team

I'm looking forward to your future entries on Thailand. Thanks for letting me know about Carabao - it should have been reinstated now smiley - smiley


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