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Thanks Anna

Post 1

The Apprentice

Your kind words were greatly appreciated. I'm sure Mark's somewhat restrained reply to my mail had something to do with (a) him being busy, (b) him being him, and (c) him having had enough trouble from the Baldowski clan for this lifetime.

I will happily drop by now and then, providing you promise to do the same over at (URL removed by moderator) - the focus of the creative juices until (a) I find somewhere else, (b) I finally finish the novel, and/or (c) someone finally offers me a way out of my current pointless career spiral and serves up a proper creative job with lots of nice spangly bits attached. (c) seems unlikely, (b) is abut 20,000 words adrift of the ideal... so (a) will probably be next.

Thanks again for your help, kind words, etc.

Thanks Anna

Post 2

World Service Memoryshare team

Hi Apprentice,

No problem, you deserve big hugs. As for your plans for the future, I really hope that c) comes off with the added bonus of enough time off for you to write that book! Let me know about that URL via email, it got removed before I had the chance to catch your posting smiley - winkeye

All the best, Anna

Thanks Anna Quickfingers

Post 3

The Apprentice

Anna Quickfingers... I'm sure I'll come up with something better. I thought that proposed changes to entries would be allowed at least 24 hours hours before changes were made. The one to Trevor Noseworthy was 11 hours... and I missed it by about 10 minutes after you'd already made the change.

Come now, Anna, be a little less efficient. I'm not round here as much as I used to be. However, surely the research of a researcher such as myself should be given the chance. Okay, I might have been wrong one or twice, but really.

I'm wounded.

The Apprentice
AKA Paul

Thanks Anna Quickfingers

Post 4

The Apprentice

I shall have a look at the video when I get home and confirm or deny the need for a change to the James Bond entry.

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