This is the Message Centre for World Service Memoryshare team

Hi Anna!

Post 1

Jimi X

That's all really. Glad to be back. Good to see you online and stuff.

Have a great week! smiley - smiley

- X

Hi Anna!

Post 2

World Service Memoryshare team

Jimi! Lovely to hear from you - how's your offline time been? How was your weekend?

Good to be back smiley - smiley

Hi Anna!

Post 3

Jimi X

*brushes off the snow*

It snowed so much here Sunday into Monday that the boss cancelled work! smiley - smiley

And as for the 'break', I've been writing like a good little researcher. smiley - winkeye

Some of the new batch aren't bad - others are downright silly (like the one on the farm implements museum).

Give everyone my love and if they want to see a really big snowman, stop by my house before it melts Wednesday. smiley - smiley

smiley - rose

- Jim

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