This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

scores so far

Post 1


Hi spidey

With only 1 more set of scores to come in it looks like the winner will be Gerhardt with is story A3025306. As Gerhardt isn’t around at the moment and if he’s still the winner do you want him posted as the winner and then let second place pick the titles. Or post a winners list without him on but with a note saying that Gerhardt had won but…

ago smiley - silly

scores so far

Post 2


I think that as he was here for the start of the challenge and entered in the same spirit as everyone else then we must award him first place if that is how the voting goes. After all, if it was any one of us that had to go away from the site for whatever reason we would all feel justified in being declared the winner if that was how the scoring went.

I think your idea of letting the second placed pick the next titles is a good one and valid in the circumstances.

If Handsome jesus has not posted his scores by tonight then I think you should go ahead and post the scores tomorrow morning. (unless it is so close that one set of scores can make the difference) Hopefully he will be around later.

Thank you once again for taking on this tedious task.smiley - loveblush

scores so far

Post 3


Yes agree. I’ve just looked again and if handsomeJesus doesn’t vote then he is second. But with the scores being so close if he votes he will no longer be second. So can he be second if he doesn’t vote.

that's O.K. it wasn't to tedious.

ago smiley - silly

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