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Post 1

John R

* Got a new guitar for bithdy last month and bust a string *

Wot you got?

I've got an old copy of a Gibson Hummingbird that I've had for about 30 years.

Cost me £40, but it's better than guitars that are currently selling for £1,000.



Post 2


Erm, not sure what breed it is John. It's a big folk guitar. My son is the expert on makes. It's like cars, designed to get me from A to B, ours is white!!!!!smiley - erm
Oh I am such a girl!
Have been playing for Hurrumphsmiley - sadface years, (37 actually) you'd think I could put a string on without busting it!smiley - wah
How long have you played? Did you have a band?

Ali smiley - ok


Post 3

John R

Been playing since I was 11, so... 39 years! Sheesh.

I piddled about with a couple of bands when I was in my teens, but what actually made me some cash was solo stuff. Used to do pubs, clubs, restaurants etc. Oh... and a fair bit of busking when cash was *really* tight.

Don't play much now. Sad, really.



Post 4


With my new guitar comes a fresh determination to perfect some songs so that I can join in with my son and friends when I go to York later this month. There are several singer songwriters in the bunch of friends up there and I want in on the action!
Singing with him on stage at my party has given me the thirst for more! Always wanted to play bass in a band when I was young. Never achieved it but had a folk band at school.

Tought my son to play when he was eleven and it was one of the best things I ever did as he is now a very accomplished player. (even if he has nicked some of my compositions and recorded them!)
Bet there is a fair sprinkling of musicians on this site.

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