This is the Message Centre for wolvomale

hi Mark

Post 1


hav u tried goin 2 the lders advice corner?? u can type it in search or go 2 drop down menu on my page .. when u get there go 2 plain skin 4 digibox users .. it makes it easier for us on Telewest .. also if u want got 2 workshop thing on my drop down menu and that will help u set up ur page .. its easier 2 set up usin PC coz u can copy n paste other than havin 2 type everythin in a us digi users hav 2 .. any probs just msg or email me n i'll see wot i can do 2 help ..

hi Mark

Post 2


Another link to try is ~The~Doc~ it's on my h2g2 links drop down menu ..
V xxx

hi Mark

Post 3


hi velvyn hows u im good tar ile have a look at that link thanx.did u know robert palmer the singer died 2day chat soon t/ c mark xxxxxxxxxxx

hi Mark

Post 4


hi Mark
i'm good ta .. went 2 see Underworld y/day it was really food ..
i heard on the news about R Palmer .. i heard summit about him a few wls back i think he was gonna b tryin 4 a come back ..
wot u up2 this w/end???? i'm havin quiet 1 at home
speak 2 u soon
V xxx

hi Mark

Post 5


hi velvyn im good tar.not got anything planned as yet 4 w\end take it as it comes lol r thats a bit young to go ay soon going to have a rome unles ur online chat soon mark xxxxxxxxx

hi Mark

Post 6


soz me been on a while been nosin round all the pictures n stuff on here .. tryin 2 find sum new 1s 4 me page ... me eyes r spinnin looked at countless pics

hi velvyn

Post 7


soz not been on in awile have found any new pics hope ur ok still keepin on top off the cleaning although its gettin nippy lol chat soon mark xxxxxxxxxx

hiya Mark

Post 8


howz u???? me is ok .. just livin quietly ... lol ... i see u'v had a go at the gml code stuff .. if u want u can email me ur password and i'll see if i an sort ur page out ..
so u keepin on top of ur dusting?? lol .. more than wot i'm doin .. weather has got a lot colder here 2 ..
speak 2 u soon
V xxx

hiya Mark

Post 9


hi velvyn glad to here ur ok yeah ive had to have the fire on whilst cleaning lol ile email me username an password thanx velvyn .i bet it gets colder where u r than here if only we cud emergrate to a warmer country 4 the winter lol chat soon mark xxxxxxxxx

hiya Mark

Post 10


yeah it does get alot colder up here.. i know last winter the temp difference on one day was almost 10 degrees warmer where u r ..
i done a lil bit 2 ur page .. changed ur screen name n put a couple of links at bottom .. if u want 2 know any more .. just ask n i'll do what i can
V xxx

hiya Mark

Post 11


hi velvyn uve done a good job tar.u know abit about pcs mines runnin abit slow atmo wud it run a bit faster if i moved unwanted files to discs .well if it gets colder up there ude have to move down here 4 the winter lol oh ive started a clait cource doin most of it at home just pop in to the college centre once a week the only thing i carnt do at home is print.thats bcause i aint got a printer yet lol chat soon mark xxxxxxxxxxxx

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