This is the Message Centre for RavenLunaLeFey

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 1


Hello and a warm welcome to h2g2

im Intern one of the <./>ACES</.>
or assistant community editors as we are known around here every one calls me intern smiley - smiley

please help yourself to smiley - coffee
smiley - teasmiley - cake

i have popped in to welcome you and give you a few links to get you started here on h2g2 and make it less overwhelming for yousmiley - smiley

The links you need to explore some of the site is here A1059842
There are loads of other links to explore all of h2g2 this page will get you started on your way

if you need any more help i will be happy to help just click on the write a reply to this post button at the bottom of the page and i will get back to you as soon as i can

Or you can have a wonder over to my page have a nosey around please feel free to leave me a message to get to my page you can click on my name above this post
or U191348


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Hello and welcome to h2g2

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