This is the Message Centre for Rod

Congratulations on your May Create Challenge Entry

Post 1



Thank you for contributing to the May Create Challenge, I really enjoyed reading your entry on Woodcraft in smiley - thepost this week. As the challenge for May was to write about your hobby, and that's a hobby, that means you've won an exclusive badge.

If you cut and paste this text into your personal space your friends will be able to admire this nice collection of pixels.

Thank you for your contributions and for a good read

smiley - applause

Congratulations on your May Create Challenge Entry

Post 2


Thank you, Z.

(My contribution wasn't suitable for Approved Entry - 1st person so it went to smiley - thepost, and I'll not be taking up the badge offer.)

Congratulations on your May Create Challenge Entry

Post 3


Nonsense! Create's not just about the approved guide, it's about inspiring quality writing of all genres. smiley - smiley

Congratulations on your May Create Challenge Entry

Post 4


Oh, OK smiley - blush

smiley - ta

Congratulations on your May Create Challenge Entry

Post 5



I should have made it more clear in my challenge page. I've only recently taken on the create mantle from Sol, and that was for this month only, and I'm normally a very EG focused sort of person, but I don't want to turn create into edited guide only.

For me the ethos of create is accessibility, giving people ideas, and getting them started, and what's amazing is that what people are writting is just as good a quality as something someone will have been musing over for ages. We're a website for writers, but I sometimes feel intimidated to write here, especially as the standard of entries is so high at times. Also I find that h2g2 distracts me from writing, rather than getting me going.

Do let me know if you have any challenges or themes you think would be interesting smiley - biggrin

Congratulations on your May Create Challenge Entry

Post 6


EG focussed - yes, I can appreciate that. Fortunately (for me) there's another outlet as I'm less comfortable with that formality, except on occasion when something comes up.
. . . .

>> ... any challenges or themes [I] think would be interesting<<
There's always 'your favourite' though that's been done over and again...
. An entry that put me straight about something
. An entry that would put me straight about...

Ah, Yes, that's one for me: I've recently spent another couple of hours in another session of a lifelong search... I can see technique, I can see imagination, discipline, fame & fortune. I can see dedication, I can see ...

Put me straight - just what IS 'Art'.

I dare ya


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Congratulations on your May Create Challenge Entry

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