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Good Shepherd Review

Post 1

Fairy Nuff

I hope I am not going to make a fool of myself smiley - ermwith this review. I usually either miss the point completely or read too much into it ... but I saw it as a comment on religion and humanity, and if so, this is one of the most original pieces I have seen on the site,smiley - ok Whatever - I thought it was a really witty piece and hang the inflection bit, I thought the dialogue was spot on 10/10.

You might need to re-write the first paragraph, which needs a hook. You could try going head on for the rambling action, rather than describe the room (after all it doesn't exactly have a large part to play in the story)

Alternative title? Wolf In Shepherd's Clothing........smiley - winkeye

Good Shepherd Review

Post 2

Mike McCulloch

Thanks for your comments. I have indeed altered the first paragraph! Your interpretation was what I'd intended. However, when I wrote this, I was thinking more about secular leaders. Thanks again. M.

Good Shepherd Review

Post 3

Fairy Nuff

Hi Mike

You said "I was thinking more about secular leaders" - it dawned on me this morning that that was what you meant - I got mislead by "The Good Shepherd" bit. I'm slow, but I get there in the end!
Good luck with the storysmiley - cheers


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