This is the Message Centre for EreComesThePain

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Post 1


Hiya G.. have you managed to get this far yet? it can all be a bit daunting to start with but click on anything in the blue writing and see what happpens.. then you can click on 'my space' and it will always get you back to your own page...

Sam smiley - lovesmiley - cat


Post 2


hello sam,as u can see i found my way at last lol,thanks a lot hun,very appreciated.dont know what to do yet but gonna start and go walkies around here and see what happens..hope to chat again soon sam take care..gino mwah xx


Post 3


Glad you got here... you can have a look at eggy's page go to bottom of your page and see friends list.. click on his personal space and you go to his page... also click on you blue smiley button next to your picture and you can learn sme smileys too.. < smiley > = smiley - smiley but dont put in the spaces... smiley - blackcat Sam xxxx


Post 4


hello again sam lol,slowly but very slowly i`m getting there smiley - smiley..smiley - ta..ur gr8 for every thing smiley - rosesmiley - rosebut i dont see eggy on friend listsmiley - steamlolsmiley - it cus he has`nt started yet smiley - kiss


Post 5


oops maybe I forgot.. go to search put in one letterof the alphabet anyone press search it comes up with results just ignore them and page down.. way down till yu see searc for a friend or similar... type in box 1.BOILED.EGG and press his name will appear in blue at the top of your screen click on blue and you will see it... when your there click on add as friend on right side of page xxxx Sam

ps smileys re great smiley - cuddle


Post 6


You can also do the same with me even from this message you can click on my name in blue and it will take you to my page... tell me what you think of it... smiley - devil


Post 7


Gino thats me off to bed now... hope you have fun... Sam smiley - blackcat

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