This is the Message Centre for Salt~n~Shake
Salt~n~Shake Posted Sep 30, 2003
Hi Demon, hows your day been? thanks for dropping by.. i've got a question for you.. every time I try to send Martin, boxing baboon a message thru his guestbox I get booted to a XML Error page do you know if that means there is an error with my page or maybe with Martins? its so annoying
I'll buy you a later
Salt~n~Shake Posted Sep 30, 2003
Hi Demon, hows your day been? thanks for dropping by.. i've got a question for you.. every time I try to send Martin, boxing baboon a message thru his guestbox I get booted to a XML Error page do you know if that means there is an error with my page or maybe with Martins? its so annoying
I'll buy you a later
Salt~n~Shake Posted Sep 30, 2003
Hi Tommy, sorry I missed your message but I had a bit of a in here last night lol... but i'm doing fine thanks how are you?
Researcher 240878 Posted Sep 30, 2003
hiya sam. i know i have already checked out his guest book, its not a problem on your side , rather its a problem with his guest book. you see there are two types of guest book, one is a forum style wher every msg sent through goes to a new conversation, the other inreplyto, (thats what you have) this style means every msg sent through goes to one thread,(so it is important you dont unsubscribe to guest book thread) well boxing baboons guest book is the forum version and i asumed he had inreplyto so gave him the number for that i have made him awear of this n he will let me know when he has changed it to inreplyto. pause for breath
so hows your day been then? im starting my decorating how are you at hanging wallpaper
Salt~n~Shake Posted Sep 30, 2003
Ahh Demon i'm a dab hand at wallpapering, painting even varnishing, in fact I quite like it... and dare I say this I don't mind the stripping either but thats because I have a steam cleaner, best thing I ever bought lol.. even cook with someday they might invest in electricity up here
my day was busy so always glad to be home so I can switch h2g2 on...
Salt~n~Shake Posted Sep 30, 2003
Hi Trevor, yes my guestbook works now... just a pity it dosent ring a bell when a message is sent I get lost trying to sort out my page.. don't know if your still there but hows your day been?
Researcher 240878 Posted Sep 30, 2003
sam now you tell me only one wall left to paper now am shatterd calling it a night with the decorating now
start all over again tomoz
so wheres this
you said you would buy me
Sam's Guestbook
GrifterGal Posted Oct 1, 2003
hello Sam hun Grifter gal here
just thought i,d pay you a visit
i brought you some
for the
it was very refreshing
well i,m 32 female and live in London with my fiance Ron who i
to bits!
and my two
i,m a drama workshop leader and i collect collectable dolls, teapots and
i,m also an Agony Aunt on h2g2's Community Radio and i work in the trevellers rest as a barmaid
why not pay us a visit
anyway i look forward to hearing from you
take care
paula AKA Grifter Gal
Sam's Guestbook
Salt~n~Shake Posted Oct 1, 2003
well hello Paula many thanks for all the goodies.. I'm also 32 but single but I have a big black laid back cat called Crafty who I
to bits.. she is eyeing me up at the mo thinking its past her bed time, she wont go with out me
I'm from a small village in East Fife and live quite near the seaside... I'm very late tonight as I was including a marquee on my page and i'm pleased to say it works albeit because i'm on digibox I cant see it swirling round... but an ace had a look for me and says its working fine... well i'm definately off to bed now but I will look into the travellers rest tomorrow night i've already met Demon he stumbled onto my page the other day and i'll be sure to buy you a
nice meeting you Paula
Tommy t Posted Oct 1, 2003
mornin sam i`m fine ta can`t sleep shattered..hope ur ok and hope tae spk soon.
Salt~n~Shake Posted Oct 1, 2003
Hi Demon, I thought you'd be finished that decorating by now, have you been blethering too much today then I'm good thanks and I will definately come to visit you in the travellers rest tonight.. I did a fair bit of work on my page last night so I think i'm due a night off.. have you seen my marquee yet? its a pity I cant see it as i'm on digibox
but one of them days i'll get the chance...
see you later
EreComesThePain Posted Oct 1, 2003
hello sam,how are you keeping lately.i am ok,with yoome been off i havent chatted 2 anybody 4 a while now.good news is i can on here,bad news is i will be off this and emails next week for good..hope to hear from you soon..x
x gino
Sam's Guestbook
GrifterGal Posted Oct 1, 2003
hiya Sam paula here great to hear from you again
i myself have a black and white tabby tom
called stassy and he is completely nuts!
my partner also has a
called pepi female, anyway i look forward to hearing from you soon
Salt~n~Shake Posted Oct 1, 2003
Hi Gino, just tucked eggy in for the night.. I know its a pain theres nobody on chat at all just a few die hards... and why are you losing your e-mail? are you giving up telewest? Nice to hear from you.. and have you got your plain skin page back? I will send you a new link into e-mail that will sort it.. its a better link anyway...
Sam's Guestbook
Salt~n~Shake Posted Oct 1, 2003
Hi Paula, thanks for the message, I went along to the travellers rest tonight in the hope that you and a few others might be there but the place was silent as the grave I think all that decorating has been a bit too much for Demon
guess that means i'll have to crack open one of me own bottles
enjoy!! oh and some
to dip in too
feel like being extravant tonight..
Don't think i'll be on mch longer tonight as I was very late last night and i'm up at 7 for work..
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Researcher 240878 (Sep 29, 2003)
- 2: Tommy t (Sep 30, 2003)
- 3: Researcher 240878 (Sep 30, 2003)
- 4: Salt~n~Shake (Sep 30, 2003)
- 5: Salt~n~Shake (Sep 30, 2003)
- 6: Salt~n~Shake (Sep 30, 2003)
- 7: Researcher 240878 (Sep 30, 2003)
- 8: Salt~n~Shake (Sep 30, 2003)
- 9: nudgenudge (Sep 30, 2003)
- 10: Salt~n~Shake (Sep 30, 2003)
- 11: Researcher 240878 (Sep 30, 2003)
- 12: GrifterGal (Oct 1, 2003)
- 13: Salt~n~Shake (Oct 1, 2003)
- 14: Tommy t (Oct 1, 2003)
- 15: Researcher 240878 (Oct 1, 2003)
- 16: Salt~n~Shake (Oct 1, 2003)
- 17: EreComesThePain (Oct 1, 2003)
- 18: GrifterGal (Oct 1, 2003)
- 19: Salt~n~Shake (Oct 1, 2003)
- 20: Salt~n~Shake (Oct 1, 2003)
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