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Post 1

The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42

Hiya hun, it's Tom Julie's B/F how are you...

smiley - love tom


Post 2


Hi Tom... this is Sam, Alleycat, i've been setting up Fay's page for her... do you think she will like it? xxxx smiley - cat


Post 3

The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42

It looks pretty cool so far, I'm sure she'll love it. If you want any help with links let me know.

smiley - love T


Post 4


Thanks Tom, I've only managed the two.. on line and smileys so far but i'm ony learning myself.. I didnt even do my page cuddlywolf set me up but im waiting till I learn a bit more before I do my own one... I may need to call on you at some point but everyone's been marvelous with their help.. i've done another two pages for people just to get them started as I think its a bit daunting coming into the orig. skin think it puts people off.. smiley - blue
Sam smiley - cat

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