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Hi - c in food tech

Post 1


AZCook, not sure you check the h2g2 pages (I go on once a month to clear out old messages) but saw the slating you are getting today 3 July for saying that foodlov's son's c in food tech wasn't that great and that rather than crying with pride she should encourage him to do better. Couldn't agree more but not worth prolonging the debate by saying so on the site I thought.

Thanks for your help on the food messageboard in the past - boerewors recipes etc.

User ID: U9690149

Hi - c in food tech

Post 2


Hi frenchfoodie - Thanks for that! Yep, I knew I'd probably come on for a some heat! Funny thing is that a while back I heard a piece on the radio about how so many of the current parental age group are so massively over-praising their kids that many young adults in the workplace are expecting to be constantly praised by their bosses and in many cases leave jobs in work environments where they don't that. Frightening! Praise where praise is due and appropriate to the achievement , I believe. Over praise is as bad as none at all.

Anyhow, thanks for your praise re my mb input - mucho appreciated!

Btw, this message showed up on my discussions - I couldn't understand where it was coming from until I opened it! Thanks again.


Hi - c in food tech

Post 3



Wasn't sure you'd whether it would be ages before you saw this so pleased it showed up in your discussions (as your reply did in mine).

See the 'c, worth crying with joy'? debate is still raging. Clearly easier for people to degenerate to back slapping and validation of misplaced ideas than to question the appropriateness of cries of joy over a C. At least you questioned it but the extent to which those expressing a dissenting opinion are jumped on doubtless stopped a lot of people making the same point. I'd already had a heated debate this week on when the French eat a salad course (!!) so I wasn't up to another arguement.

All the best


Hi - c in food tech

Post 4


Hi Vicki,

I usually steer away from these sort of threads or answer and then change my mind without posting, but this time I just threw caution to the wind! Oh well! I can't believe the amount of inane threads lately.

I have an ongoing 'thing' with a certain bread person, too, for the same reasons - I just can't hack overcongratulatory hugginess for beginner results. I think encouragement is great and very necessary, but high praise should be saved for occasions deserving of it I think. Kind of simple concept, but I guess it's out of vogue these days!

Are you in France or is the frenchfoodie nick for the love of French food?!


Hi - c in food tech

Post 5



So I am not the only one to type messages telling people to get real and then delete them? Saves seeing how quickly those sort of threads get jumped on. I often find threads with a lot of posts over a short period relate to personal spats rather than being re interesting recipes, ingredients, restaurants etc. Shame - though like you I usually steer clear.

My name is because I am in France though with my job I relocate regularly so it will ultimately get out of date. I do like French food though I love French markets.


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