This is the Message Centre for RainMan

iCan Anthology - You Wanna Check This Out!

Post 1


Hi Eric, Please do check this out: And see who has so far: A3746676 Would love to see you in there too! How's about by Wed 9th March, or thereabouts, if you can? Also pass this on to anyone else who may be interested. Have read all yer wee notes of late and hope to drop one before I go. Heading down to the folks for my Dad's 65th and Mother's Day. A bit of home cooking and some cold amber glowers. Mmmn. Thanks & catch ye soon, Rainman. Jen x

iCan Anthology - You Wanna Check This Out!

Post 2


Would be honoured to submit a piece Jen - somethin' hot .. a filet from my soul! lol


iCan Anthology - You Wanna Check This Out!

Post 3


Aye, that's the spirit! smiley - laugh BUT keep it clean! smiley - winkeye

Either post the A*** in here or on the link above.


Jen smiley - cheers

Will be dropping a wee 'e' soon...

iCan Anthology - You Wanna Check This Out!

Post 4


Hey Jen. I had a look at the Anthology with Take Me Back. I'll say it again . Brilliant! I wonder, will GW be providing a link as well?

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iCan Anthology - You Wanna Check This Out!

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