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Hello Falls Rhode

Post 1


Just been reading your poem "THE BOOKSHOP GIRL" - Wow! it's so very beautiful. Tender and touching and, like I say, so very beautifully human. I know words are just words, and that this poem, or that poem can be said to be beautiful, when in reality it isnt beautiful at all, you know what I mean? But yours is - this one, I mean: "THE BBOKSHOP GIRL" one. Yes, it really is. In short, it's the sort of poem which makes you think: "Now why can't I write one like this?"


Just one complaint. Make the darn thing easier to read. Join the posts link each post, or whatever it is you can do on here.

Hello Falls Rhode

Post 2


Hello Guy, thanks for taking time out to read these. And I will put these on one single thread. Very kind with your comments. I do know what you mean. I did try to take care to convey as much detail as possible. It is absolutely worth it. So there you have it ...
I will return the favour and have a look at your works.

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