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Post 1


Hi, Rain Man, just read Finding the time, so I looked up your portfolio. To my surprise and excitement I found out that you liked Billy Bragg (Does he not write some beautiful poetry?).
Anyway, I am also an avid fan, and now feel less insecure about my obscure taste in music.
(The reference of BB as a poet was a way of not soley talking about music)smiley - biggrin


Post 2


Hi Godali. Thanks for reading Finding. A bit of a departure from my other works, which are more bluesy, but this one felt right.

Billy is superb. My favourite album is Back to Basics - only his voice and guitar smiley - cool. His words definitely take precedence over his music. I've seen him live twice. smiley - ok I love his version of Walk Away Renée. You're the first person I've come across here that's mentioned BB. So there you have it. Now I'm intrigued - off to have a look at your stuff.smiley - winkeyesmiley - run


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