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Post 1

Researcher 242292

Episode 1 "Trapped Souls"

Buffy leaves Sunnyadle with all her friends and they make there way to LA, but Giles goes back to the hellmouth make sure everything is dead when he finds the amulate Spike was wearing when he died he picks it up and puts it in his pocket. Meanwhile Buffy and the gang arrive in LA where they are greated by Angel and his gang Willow and Fred set to working out how to get Cordelia back with Fred skills in physics and Willows magic. Buffy and Angel are as normal trying to aviod having any meaningful conversations and Gunn starts helping and traing Xander to fight so that he can look after himself properly. Giles arrives and takes buffy off to a quiet corner and gives her the amulate knowing that it would mean a lot to her. She looks at the amulate then notices an engraving on the back of it and shows Giles, Giles says it looks like its in some kind of ancient greek language ill try and find out so Giles goes off to find Wesley meanwhile, Xander is doing well with his training but keeps ending up flat on his back a few times lol and Willow and Fred are going over all the text relating to Jasmine and posseions but not having much luck at all. Giles finds Wesley and the two off them sit down and read up about the inscription and try to decode it. after many hours trying to find anything of help Giles comes across a passage relating to the amulate and it says "The amulate is a great source of power only to be used by a true champion,if the bearer of the amulate is not a true champion they will most certainly die a grewsome death but if the bearer is a true champion his soul will become entrapped in the amulate until a force of great power can release him." Giles turns to Wesley and says that this may hold Spikes soul at that very moment Buffy walks in looking shocked and says can we bring him back if his soul is alive he must be too right? Giles obviously backtracks and says we dont really know what it means if we try to release him we may bring about an evil force instead. Buffy did not care she got the gang together and they all talked about it and finally agreed its worth a try. Willow resites the spell and it works Spike is back they all are amazed and so is he he said I cant belive you all brought me back and here was I thinking you didnt care! with a big grin on his face Buffy rushed and hugged him I missed you she said. Then Angel walked in he was very supprised and not that happy to see that Spike was back. But that was the least of their problems right now all didnt go to plan Spikes was not the only soul they released they had also released Lilah from her soul trapping contract with Wolfram and Heart. She walks through the door and Says thanks Guys for setting, thought id never get away from them Wesley is flabergasted and walks over to her and she says Wesley Im not here for heartfelt welcomes my mission hasnt changed im here to kill Angel!

END OF EPISODE ONE please continue with your own ideas!


Post 2

Dark Thunder

Episode Two.....Sweet Revenge

Angel tries to grab lilah but she escaped by vanashing into thin air not after saying she will kill angel by ne means nessasary. then Willow and Fred run in the room saying then got the spell to wake Cordelia up, Giles looks at Willow she can see worry in his eyes he says to her dose this spell inclued Dark Magic, Willow says yes but i know wot im doing Giles she says. All the team are at Wolfrman and Hart where Cordelia lies in a coma, Willow starts to recite the spell over Cordelia when a wall of flames appear around Cordelia and Willow you can see Willows black eye's while she reciting the spell Cordelia starts to wake up when Lilah comes though the flames of fire pushing Willow on to the table knocking her out cold and the spell is broken and Cordelia falls back into a coma, Wesley asks why did you do that Lilah i thought you wanted to help her, Lilah turns to Wesley saying im not going let you wake her while Angel is still alive and walks off Laughing. Buffy runs over to Willow to find out that Willow is also in a coma.


Post 3


thats a great storyline

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