This is the Message Centre for ^-^DARKLING- H2G2 AlTeRnAtIvE CoMmUnItY^-^

just like to..

Post 1

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

just like to say this place looks cool love the purple and black combo

just like to..

Post 2

^-^DARKLING- H2G2 AlTeRnAtIvE CoMmUnItY^-^

hi there hunny!!1

thanx for ur comments, its my fav combo, thats why x


just like to..

Post 3

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Thats ok nice to meet you smiley - smiley

just like to..

Post 4

^-^DARKLING- H2G2 AlTeRnAtIvE CoMmUnItY^-^

nice to meet u too, alink to my personal spcae, is on teh community front page, feel free to look at it

just like to..

Post 5

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

can I just tell you now that I and anyone else can click on your name and go straight to your personal space smiley - smiley just thought I'd point that out

just like to..

Post 6

^-^DARKLING- H2G2 AlTeRnAtIvE CoMmUnItY^-^

yep they can, thats why i put it on there hun.....

so people wud know who made this project and if they wanted to speak to me

just like to..

Post 7

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

ok then sorry I am having a lot of trouble at the mo trying to sort out my space I need help or someone to step in and take over I was fine on my old space until someone logged me out and i couldn't get back in! Grrr sorry rant over

just like to..

Post 8

^-^DARKLING- H2G2 AlTeRnAtIvE CoMmUnItY^-^

are u on digibox??? if so ive had that prob i.e. beened logged out by h2g2 twice before then cudnt log back in....

wat do you need help with?

just like to..

Post 9

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

nope I am not on digibox ... sometimes wonder whether that would be better

Anyway I would like to create my own space with the theme of a rock pool and I can't do it smiley - wah I don't have a clue why

just like to..

Post 10

^-^DARKLING- H2G2 AlTeRnAtIvE CoMmUnItY^-^

ur better offf NOT on digibox, its a serious waste of time with them,lol, pulling plug out alot cos of memory probs,it getting stuck, whole interactive not working or e-mail not working so u cant get on...

rock pool??? erm um... u probably cud, how wud u like it? i mite be able to give u ideas

just like to..

Post 11

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

ok have come across an error in guide ml... just an idea could you come up with a surprise space for me?

just like to..

Post 12

^-^DARKLING- H2G2 AlTeRnAtIvE CoMmUnItY^-^

wats the error?? i mite be able tohelp.. i had errors amin ago, now i cant submit it,grrrr(stupid smellwest box,lol)

um..... i cud do one.... or give u a gud layout description of one to help u as im busy at mo...

wat do u want on this spactho, wat it to look like??? id need that info

just like to..

Post 13

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

I forget what the error was ...

ok I'd like a rockpool and info about me, a few smileys and coloured font ... i like blue, purple and green the best smiley - smiley thanks

just like to..

Post 14

^-^DARKLING- H2G2 AlTeRnAtIvE CoMmUnItY^-^

rockpool... oksee... me will have a think.... there mite be pics in the gallery

do u know the GML for coloured writed,tables,smileys etc?? if not ill help if u want , step by step x

just like to..

Post 15

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Ok looks like I won't be needing your help after all ... thanks for the offer smiley - sorry if I've wasted your time... have conjured up something that needs work on but I'll do that some other time

just like to..

Post 16

^-^DARKLING- H2G2 AlTeRnAtIvE CoMmUnItY^-^


dont worry....

just like to..

Post 17

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

all I can say is sorry to bother you hope you are ok today you can tell me to get lost if you wish

just like to..

Post 18

^-^DARKLING- H2G2 AlTeRnAtIvE CoMmUnItY^-^

im ok-ish taaa x

cud u continue this convo on my space plz...smiley - smiley

just like to..

Post 19

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

sorry wheres your space?

just like to..

Post 20

^-^DARKLING- H2G2 AlTeRnAtIvE CoMmUnItY^-^

on the darkling front page at bottom is a link to my spacesmiley - smiley

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