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Grrrr Taamyu's Agony

Post 1


Hello my freinds smiley - hug

I'm getting better mentally than last 2 months smiley - biggrin

BUTsmiley - steam the horrible HOT STICKY HORRIBLE DISGUISING RAINY SEASON will be approaching soon smiley - steam
I don't like Japanese sweltering summersmiley - wah NEVER smiley - blue

I really miss the English dry weather smiley - rainbow
I wonder when I'll be there and wil see all my frineds smiley - cry

Well, I'll do my best smiley - chick


Taamyusmiley - musicalnote

Grrrr Taamyu's Agony

Post 2


im sure you will make it back here one day

andysmiley - bat

Grrrr Taamyu's Agony

Post 3



Yep, I'll be backe asap smiley - musicalnote

I really miss you and I'm sad that I havent' been chatting with you through the messenger <wah.

I almsot forget how to speak English nor Japanese smiley - rofl

smiley - musicalnote

Grrrr Taamyu's Agony

Post 4


im sure we can set up something soon ill check my diary and send you the dates ok

andysmiley - bat

Grrrr Taamyu's Agony

Post 5


smiley - fullmoon

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