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kbrtiata Posted Oct 11, 2007
Hi Chris,
So sorry for not replying you for long time, as I've been too lazy to be online and be here to chat
how are you?
Me, okay.
It gets, at last, cool I am so happy that the pleasant autumn is approaching.
.... I do love Earl-grey tea, too with milk esp. TESCO's one
I really miss English sweets.... scones, and tea. and miss the dark weather.. lol cos I love cool weather. we had the wonderful four season in Japan, but because of global warming, the weather is getting really strange and we have no proper four seasons.... some older people worry if we lose four seasons in future.
well, at the mo, we have still four season
I feel not so good, because my plan to go to there can't archieve well But I don't give up... hope we'll see sooner or later
Take Care and enjoy yourself,
See you soon,
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