This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata

hi again

Post 1

Cat from mars

hi... so how are you?
it is very cold here... there are icy winds all round northern ireland!

smiley - smiley

hi again

Post 2


Hello numbercrunchersmiley - biggrin
Lovely to hear from you.
I'm fine smiley - smiley though I have to do my calligraphy homework for today's lesson(5.05 of the 27th in Japan, now this means that 20.05 ot the 26th in UK)smiley - groan
It's early in the morning here in Osaka, Japan, and it's a bit cold.
smiley - brr
So you live in N. Ireland, don't you? I know of 'James Joyce'smiley - book When I was university student, I read a part of his workssmiley - geek Very complicated book Ulysses is!smiley - grr
Well, how are you? I hope you're fine, though it's very cold in Northern Ireland.
Keep yourself warm smiley - cappuccino
See you soon smiley - ok
smiley - cheerup
Taamyu smiley - chicksmiley - rose

hi again

Post 3

Cat from mars

wow you wake up so early!smiley - smiley
have fun doing calligraphy, i love and enjoy calligraphy,it so elegant

hi again

Post 4


Hello numbercruncher
How are you?
I'm very tired today and I'm very sleepy lol.
Have you seen Japanese Calligraphy?
I enjoy doing this though I'm bad at calligraphy smiley - groan
So, how about you?
It's 00.43 of the 28th (15.43 of the 28th in UK) and the wind is whirling, though it's not so cold.
Well I'm going to go to bedsmiley - sleepy
Speak to you soon.
Taamyu smiley - rose

hi again

Post 5

Cat from mars

hello, i am in school at the minute, so how are you today?

smiley - smiley

smiley - fairy

hi again

Post 6


You are school student !!
You must be my child lol.
Today, as I told you, I went to French lesson and Calligaraphy lesson. I enjoyed both lessons very much. But I'm very tired now smiley - yawn
It was a very lovely day today, but the weater forecast said it would be raining smiley - grr I hope it will be fine day tomorrow, too smiley - rainbow
Have a Lovely Day smiley - smiley
Taamyu smiley - chicksmiley - rose

hi again

Post 7

Cat from mars

you too, no wait it should be have a lovely night! smiley - chick
do you teach?
smiley - vampire

hi again

Post 8


Thank you, I slept well smiley - smiley
No, I don't teach really. But I teach my friend's kids teach since February every second Tuesday.
But I'm still worried if I can do well as I don't have any confident on my English smiley - blue
It's windy today(morning of the 28th).
Are you a student?
smiley - hug
Taamyu smiley - chicksmiley - rose

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