This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata


Post 1


hi im skyliner
i have been looking on your space,i see your from japan,that is very interesting,i too am foreign i was born in canada,hope you enjoy being on h2g2.skylinerxx


Post 2


Hello Skyliner smiley - musicalnote
Nice to meet you.
I live in Osaka, Japan. And I'm a Japanese middle aged woman smiley - witchsmiley - laugh
As you said you are foreign people, does this mean you are not a British but a Canadian or you are non-native English?
Well, I'm happy if we can keep in touch.
See you soon smiley - cappuccino
Taamyu smiley - bunny


Post 3


I wonder if you got this reply smiley - erm
When you get this, please reply me smiley - winkeye
Speak to you soon smiley - hug
Taamyu smiley - fairy

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